Thursday, August 1, 2013

All in a Month: August 2013

June Goals Updated. August New Goals.

June Goals Updates. 
1.  Goal was to read 6 books. Read 3 books.
2. Goal to lose 10 pounds. Lost 15 pounds.
3. Goal to make a red velvet cake from scratch. Gave up sweets to lose 15 pounds. Failed.
4. Meet a new person a week. Met tons of new people from volunteering and working.
5. Goal to post to my social media everyday. Assigned my intern to my Love Publicity SM accounts.

August Goals:
1. Finish my summer list of books. Read 5 books! This should be easier since I'm half way through 3 of them.

My Summer Reading List:
1. You, Inc The Art of Selling Yourself by Harry and Christine Beckwith
2. The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz (borrowed from my mentor Jerome Espy)
3. Dear Success Seeker by Michele R. Wright, PH.D
4. Eat That Frog by Brain Tracy (borrowed from my mentor Jerome Espy) COMPLETED
5. Knowing Your Value by Mika Brzezinski (gifted by my lovely cousin Samantha) COMPLETED
6. For Immediate Release by Ron Torossian COMPLETED
7.Mastery by Robert Greene
8. Normal Gets you Nowhere by Kelly Cutrone

2. Lose 10 more pounds. I'm so close I can taste it.

3. Plan out the rest of my year. Sounds weird? Well this year I'm turning the big three zero so I'm determined to map out the rest of my year so that I can enter the best years with a bang!

4. Post on this blog 3 times a week. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it.

5. Make a red velvet cake from scratch. I'll try this again but i will not eat it, but i'll taste it. :)

Wish me luck!

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