Thursday, May 30, 2013

All in a Month: June 2013

Yesterday a friend called me to talk about her career choices. She told me that the age 30 was creeping up on her and she has yet to find her passion that she wanted to make a career out of. This put her in a slight rut. Sounded like a job for Teia to me. So I went to work, I probed her with numerous questions, gave her ideas by using the things I knew about her personality and we talked and talked for a little less than an hour. By the end of the conversation she had figured out what choices she was leaning towards and we even came up with some strategies on how she could reach those goals. This was a very healthy and productive conversation.

Hear it is the day after and I am still thinking about it. Why? Because I too am turning 30 (even before she) and I realized although I LOVE being a publicist, I'm not completely satisfied and I want to achieve more, do more, explore more of my talents and most importantly achieve the goals I!

For a little over a year now I have set five monthly goals at the beginning of the month and worked very hard to achieve them by the end. Well, I don't always keep up with them but thanks to this nice little platform I now have accountability partners!  I guess we will see what I can do "All in a Month."

June 2013 Goals:
1. Read 6 books. Soooo, I made a goal in January to finish one book a month... Welcome my books to June!

2. Lose 10 pounds. My ultimate goal is twenty but I have to do it healthy so I'm going to pace myself  increase my cardio, increase my water, fruit and veggies.

3. Make a red velvet cake from scratch. This look relatively weird coming right after my weight loss goal but just because I make it does not require me to eat it! I'll let you know how this will turn out.

4. Meet one new person a week. Have you met an extrovert who is a homebody? Well allow me to introduce myself. This month I plan to step out my comfort zone and go out a little more to meet new people.

5. Post on social media everyday. This include business and personal pages. 

We will revisit this in July!  

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